Collage Weekend

Rachel Cohen

In this two-day course we will explore several different approaches to collage taking inspiration from 20th and 21st century artists. On Saturday we will look at the work of Dada and Surrealist artists including, Hannah Höch and John Stezaker. We will play with found images and words cut out from magazines and books, recombining what we find to make strange faces, creatures and scenes. In response to a 1956 work by Richard Hamilton we will make collages about contemporary homes. Taking inspiration from the work of 20th century collage artist Kurt Schwitters we will make abstract collages of coloured and textured paper. Finally we will paint paper to use on Sunday in a large collage inspired by Henri Matisse’s cut outs.

Suitable for all levels.

Artworks are by previous course attendees.

Red Room, Phoenix Art Space

All materials will be provided but students are welcome to bring materials of their own.

Rachel studied Art History (BA) at Sussex University and Fine Art (PG Dip) at Brighton. She has an MA in museum and gallery education from the Institute of Education, London. She learned printmaking at a private college in Treviso, Italy and at Kensington and Chelsea Institute in London. Rachel works with wide range of techniques and materials. She makes paintings and sculptures, site-specific installations and performances. Recent projects include residencies in Ireland, Spain, Brazil, Portugal and Denmark, solo exhibitions at Regency Town House and Newhaven Fort and group shows in Brighton, London and Eastbourne.

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