Since the mid-19th century, shop windows have shaped our relationship with desirable objects.

In French, window shopping is described as lèche-vitrines—literally, ‘window licking’—a phrase that vividly captures the longing stirred by objects on display. Just as shop windows entice us to covet what lies behind the glass, this exhibition draws a parallel with the way the female body is treated as an object of visual consumption. Ellipsis Prints presents a selection of prints in The Window Gallery that explore themes of desire and identity, challenging the roles we inhabit and the ways we are seen.

General Information

Window Gallery

Exhibition Dates: 3 May –  1 June 2025

Open Wednesday – Sunday, 12.00 – 17.00pm

Preview: Friday 2 May, 18:00 – 20:00

About Ellipsis Prints:

Ellipsis Prints commissions new prints from the most exciting women and non-binary artists currently working in the UK. An ‘ellipsis’ is the … symbol. It represents those genders frequently excluded from the mainstream art world. Ellipsis Prints aims to make a contribution to address the gender imbalance still so prevalent in contemporary art.

Website: ellipsisprints.com