Come and take part in a fun family workshop with artist Hattie Malcomson, whose paintings are on show in the Main Gallery as part of the Roots exhibition. Hattie will show you how to create caricature collages of each other by playing with colour, shape and pattern. In the same way as Hattie does when she creates her paintings, we will look at the work of famous artists for ideas and inspiration.

Our family workshops are for parents / carers and children aged 5yrs+ to enjoy being creative together. Artist-led and inspired by the themes of our exhibition programme they are a great opportunity to have fun and explore different materials. All workshops are free and drop-in so there’s no need to book.

Part of the Roots exhibition programme. Find out more here.
This work has been made possible by an award from Postcode Society Trust, a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

Image: Hattie Malcomson, The Dancer