Christmas Wreath Making

Sarah Gardner

Make your own Christmas Wreath. Enjoy creating a festive object to decorate your home in the run up to Christmas. The tutor will guide you through making your own wreath by first constructing a reusable willow base. You will then decorate it with holly, ivy and other fresh and dried foliage that has been locally sourced by the tutor. Come and enjoy making this decorative piece to take home with you.

Suitable for all levels including beginners.

White Room, Phoenix Art Space

All basketry materials will be provided. Please bring a notebook and pen.

Sarah Gardner trained as textile designer, this sparked her interest in constructed textiles and led to her practicing basketry for the past 7 Years. She is interested in growing and foraging natural materials for making but also has a make-do-and-mend approach and is always on the look-out for man-made materials that can be adapted or useful in basket-making. This requires a lot of testing to work out the qualities of the materials and their suitability for different weaving techniques. As an advocate for the crafts Sarah also helps run a small leather accessories company and teaches and practices basketry in Brighton.

Course Details
